Daniela Hofmann graduated high school without a clue as to what direction she wanted to move in. She registered at York University 3 times and cancelled each time. She just knew that path wasn’t for her. But what was? Super stressed about choosing a career, she took a temporary job as a medical receptionist at an Acne Clinic and in a short time realized she wanted in! It all started with a passion to destroy hair – first with electrolysis, then, as laser hair removal became safer, she quickly became enamoured with that. It’s been a match made in heaven ever since. With continued and on-going education she became knowledgeable and experienced in the medical esthetics industry. She’s trained physicians, nurses and medical estheticians across Canada and the U.S. She originally owned a traditional salon & spa and sold it to finally open - Freedom Medi-Spa. Now with a team of professionals with similar goals, Freedom Medi-Spa is known for it’s focus on client results, client care, and education.
Giving back to the community is important for Daniela – so important in fact that she won the Portraits of Giving Award in 2019. When Rickey Ricciuti, a childhood friend, asked her for help with Brighter Path for Autism, there was no question in her mind. Autistic children have not received the attention and most importantly the funding to help them learn, grow and thrive. She is absolutely thrilled to be a part of the committee for Brighter Path and looks forward to making a big difference in the year ahead.
Let's Connect!
I'm always looking for exciting opportunities. Let's connect.