I'm Nadia Savona-Di Corpo
With 16 years as an accomplished Assistant in the property management industry Nadia works closely with senior management and board of directors to deliver exceptional customer service and assists with offering cost saving strategies to meet the needs of all their clients.
I clearly remember the days when my sister Sabrina would say she saw something different in Adriano. The day she called to tell me our sweet Adriano was diagnosed with Autism, is a moment I won't ever forget. She could barely even speak the words and my heart just broke.
"Autism".... something I knew very little about, but it was in that moment I knew I needed to know more, and I knew we needed to be a big part of her support system, so my husband Franco and I along with our two daughter’s Mia and Sienna promised from that moment going forward we would walk along side my sister, brother in law and our nephews Armando, Gabriel and Adriano throughout this Journey. Rickey spared no time, they immediately began to research services that could be offered to Adriano. You could see his wheels were turning and he wanted to think of ways of how to bring awareness to other families and raise money to help others with the costs of IBI therapy.
With this Brighter Path 4 Autism was born.
To know Adriano is to know a love like no other. He is sweetest boy with the most beautiful smile, the most infectious laugh , the most beautiful eyes and someone who truly gives the best hugs. I am proud to sit on this committee with a group of amazing people who all share the same goals and are continuously striving to raise awareness and funds to help other families.
- Thank you for joining us on the brighter path... 💙